Photo above: Bishop Kevin Robertson visits St. Monica’s January 2018

Welcome to St. Monica’s Anglican Church. Whether you missed a Sunday or just want to explore who we are online, we hope that our website reflects who we are and let’s you know that we are a welcoming community of faith.
FORMAL WORSHIP in the time of COVID-19

Church attendance has been limited to no more than ten so, while worship continues, we ask that should you wish to join in person, that you contact the Rector to reserve a spot for Sunday morning. We are all looking forward to the day when we can all be together again . . . and enjoying cake and conversation after the service. In the meantime, there are a great variety of services on the internet and television and we invite you to go exploring and discover the many ways in which we worship our Lord and Saviour.

This is a unique Christmas, unlike any we have experienced before. But that is no excuse not to celebrate with joy the Saviour’s birth. Light your Advent Candle each Sunday and on Christmas Day, the final and white, candle signals the promise fulfilled . . . the Messiah born.
Normally, we worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am in the lower level of St. John’s Norway (400 Woodbine Avenue). Our service is typically an hour long followed by a time to catch up with each other over some snacks.
Our services are relaxed and you are invited to participate as much as you are able and willing. Our services use the words and prayers that Anglicans all over the world and through time have used. We make a joyful noise singing both traditional and modern hymns that help us praise God.
Most Sundays we have a Communion Service, but when the occasion demands, we have Morning Prayer. If you have been baptized in any Christian Church, you are welcome to take part in the Eucharist. The priest will bring a piece of bread to you followed by someone who will bring a cup of wine. If for whatever reason you are not taking part, you can signal this by crossing your arms over your chest and the priest will say a pray of blessing for you.
We believe that we are called to give our whole lives over to God. One way that Christians have given is through financial gifts. This enables some of the ministry to the neighbourhood. You are welcome to give.
But what is most important, is that you give your time to God: in prayer, in worship, in serving others. We encourage members to write out some of the ways they have given their time and placing their note on the collection plate as a symbol of how we try to offer our whole lives to God.